Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Varied Hair of a Growing Boy

For the last two years, this mother has had an internal struggle approving the hairstyle of her eldest son. Dad says that as long as he is well behaved and takes care of it, he should be able to have the style he wants. And so it began.....
The Bleached Look

This picture was taken fall of '06. B stood to my shoulder.....
The Long Look
This was taken a few weeks ago. The boys were taking part in an activity that required a bit of "face paint". Thought I'd point that out since they look pretty dirty:)
The New Short Look
This was taken this morning. Who is this kid? Mom is SOOOO happy with this look! Everyone, including B, really likes it. The first comment that is made is "B, you look so much older!" That helps to fuel the 'like' factor with the son. And by the way, he is now nearly as tall as I am!


The Gutsy Mom said...

He looks like such a teenager! We always comment around here about how the under 2 set has changed so much during the RLBT. But look who else grew up over night!

Mary Beth said...

He is one handsome boy.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe the difference! He looks so much older and he is so handsome! Watch out Joss! Keep him under your wings! : )

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much he looks like John! Very nice and I'm sure Uncle Darren would agree.:-)

Rachel said...

Wow, he's really grown up, Joss!

Aloha Ya'll! said...

LOL You've given me a great idea for a future post. I hadn't thought of doing one showing the various haircuts! Brian looks great with the short hair (as does Ben)!