Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is It Winter Already?

It seems that fall has passed us by. Rather, fall never passed at all. After a very mild summer with only a few days that passed into the upper 80's/lower 90's, the weather has settled into winter. We are several days into a week that is forecast to be in the 40's and 50's during the day, freezing or near freezing at night. It's grey and overcast. Is snow not far behind? Whatever happens, it's the perfect weather for wanting nothing more than to snuggle on the sofa with a mug of cocoa, a warm flannel blanket and a good book or movie. Bring on the marshmallows:)


Mary Beth said...

Winter in Germany comes early. We are enjoying the fall and Kalen's football games right now. Hot cocoa and snuggling up sounds like a good plan.

The Gutsy Mom said...

I seem to remember fall last year... am I wrong? We've had no fall this year. It's cooooold...

Anonymous said...

Seriously?? I long for that weather! Here it is September and we are still in the mid to upper
80's!!!! Have a cup of cocoa for me!

Rachel said...

I am so jealous. I'm trying to adjust here, but I miss the people and the weather -- in that order -- the most.